Ntungamo Leaders Call for Calm Amidst Complaints Over Unpaid Salaries

Leaders in Ntungamo district have called for calm amidst complaints over delayed salaries.
Ntungamo district chief administrative officer Kweyamba Ruhemba told dozens of civil servants who had pitched camp at the district headquarters demanding for explanation over delayed salaries.
The group mainly dominated by Teachers and health workers carried placards demanding for immediate payment of their July and August salaries.
The chief administrative officer,District chairperson Denis Singhahache late held a meeting with the affected civil servants in the district council where Kweyamba Ruhemba called for calm as the district works hard towards having their salaries processed.
Ruhemba revealed that some workers had not submitted their Tax identification numbers and other details that made it hard to have them cleared.
Ntungamo district chairperson Denis Singahache revealed that the concerns of the civil servants are genuine and revealed that it is hurting for them to go without salaries for a period of two months yet they have several obligations to meet.
He tasked the office of the chief administrative officer to ensure that the salaries are paid by 15th of September 2018.