

Civil servants asked to desist from irresponsible spending.

By Anthony Kushaba:

Civil servants have been urged to desist from irresponsible spending that often sees them spending more than they earn.

The call was made today by Ntungamo chief administrative officer Nasser Mukiibi while speaking at the induction of newly appointed teachers held at Ntungamo district council hall.

Mukiibi revealed that some civil servants engage in multiple borrowing, which stresses them out and causes them to become disoriented and unable to concentrate on their jobs as they hide from their creditors.

Ntungamo district chairperson urges locals to embrace milk consumption for children.


By Anthony Kushaba:


Ntungamo district chairperson Sam Muchunguzi has called on locals in the area to embrace the consumption of milk, especially for children, in a bid to address the challenge of malnutrition.

Muchunguzi was on Wednesday speaking at the closure of the district steering committee for the school milk program, which is funded by SNV-Uganda and is implemented by Appropriate Revival Initiative for Strategic Empowerment-ARISE.

Ntungamo district receives 270 bags of cassava cuttings

By Anthony Kushaba


Ntungamo district has today received a total of 270 bags of cassava cuttings from operation wealth creation.

The cuttings are according to Ntungamo district Agriculture officer Esther Atwiine will be distibuted to farmers in 24 lower local governments in greater Ruhaama and Kajara counties.

Atwiine adds that the cassava is aimed at supporting the farmers in the respective areas to get clean and high yielding planting material.

Ntungamo suspends livestock markets.

By Anthony Kushaba:

Authorities in Ntungamo have this afternoon suspended all livestock markets in the area following the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the area. This is a common misunderstanding.

The decision was taken in a district security meeting chaired by Ntungamo resident district commissioner David Kaboyo, who decided to close all live stock markets and transportation of livestock to and from the district.

Ugandans urged to focus on ending stigma

By Anthony Kushaba

Ugandans have been urged to always embrace tolerance and respect for one another in a bid to end stigma.

The call was made on Tuesday by Ntungamo district health educator Twesigye Nesterio while speaking at a district stakeholder engagement meeting on accountability for HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria and human rights held at Ntungamo resort Hotel.

The meeting was organized with support from the international community of women living with HIV in Eastern Africa (ICWEA).

Elders urged to embrace National IDs registration

By Junior Ainebyoona


Elders have been urged to embrace registration for National Identity cards so that they do not lose out on government services.

The call was on Monday made by Rtd Major General John Mateeka the chairperson for Ntungamo district elderly during a council session held at Ntungamo district council hall.

Mateeka revealed that a section of elders in the district has missed out on the social assistance grant for the elder-SAGE because they do not have national identity cards which he said would have been avoided.

Farmers tipped on reducing post-harvest losses

By Anthony Kushaba


Farmers in Ntungamo district have been urged to focus on embracing modern farming practices as well as reducing post-harvest losses.

The call was this morning made by Albert Mugabe the Ntungamo district production officer  on Thursday while speaking at the opening of a one-day training for extension workers and local leaders held at Abateganda hall in Ntungamo Municipality.

Mugabe revealed that the district is well known for producing beans in large quantities but says that there is need to address the issue of quality.

Newly Graduated students urged to pursue further studies


By  Communication office


 The Ntungamo district Council Speaker, Nicholas Twikirize Mugyenyi, has encouraged newly graduated students of the Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC)-Ntungamo study center to pursue further studies and upper grade if they want to get good jobs in the future, explaining that a certificate, diploma, or degree cannot be sold nowadays.


Locals receive alternative livelihoods as compensation from the green climate change project

 By Communication office


At least 50 families in Rwenanura-Kakukuru town council in Ntungamo district who were evicted from the Rufuha wetland in 2018 received alternative livelihoods as compensation from the Green Climate Change Project.



Goats, fish ponds, and an irrigation scheme are among the compensation measures provided to the community in order for them to appreciate living with the wetlands while not disturbing them and instead assisting in their conservation.



Ntungamo launches polio vaccination campagn

By Communication Office


Ntungamo’s acting district health officer (Ag.DHO) Sr. Hope Katusiime has launched a three-day house to house vaccination campaign against Polio.

The campaign that will take three days is set to kick off on  Friday the 14th to 16th January 2022  apart from Ngoma and Rwentobo where vaccination will be on Monday 17th and Wednesday 19th Jan 2022 where all children under the ages of five are highly encouraged to be vaccinated.
